Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Couple Minor Changes

Hi All,

No pics this time. Just wanted to come down off of Cloud 9 for a bit to share some changes that will take place with this blog.

With all the amazing talent out in the world I have been receiving stunning photography for our submissions - something I actually hadn't planned on doing when I launched this blog. It has been wonderful to have so many people excited for this sacred building.

In an effort to keep this blog focused strictly on the sacred nature of the temple, I am going to implement some changes, effective immediately.

For future submissions only, I will ONLY be posting the first name and last initial of the submitter. If your image is copyright, you may faintly watermark that on your image, BUT it can only have your initials. No full name or business name. I will, of course, retain a record of the full name of the submitter. As much as I want to use all these gorgeous shots, I feel it is in the best interest of the blog to make these changes.

I am hopeful that pros and amateurs alike will submit photos. So, be sure to keep a camera in your car and snap away! Can't wait to see what you all send for the blog!