Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Jeff Littig sent me this AMAZING shot... It is such a wonderful feeling to see this atop our temple!

Here are some others he sent of Moroni before he was raised up.

So people are asking me, "What's the big deal about a statue of Angel Moroni?"

I am snagging this answer from my friend since she said it so well. Thank you Sheryl Halls!
"Statues of the angel Moroni atop our temples herald the gospel going forth “to every nation, kindred, and tongue, and people” in this latter-day regathering of Israel...
The Church’s angel Moroni statues have come to symbolize for Latter-day Saints the restoration of the gospel in these latter days. Images of the statues have been used on Book of Mormon covers and Church pamphlets. For many, these statues herald the gospel being preached “to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” (Rev. 14:6). (See related article, page 25.)"

What a wonderful day!!