Saturday, May 8, 2010

Just a little more...

OOOOhhhh, how I wish there were more to post. All the time. I wish I was so busy snatching information on the temple that I could satisfy all my friends, and my own, curiosity.

But alas, I am left gleaning tidbits here and there.

This is the latest.

SRP has been sending out their field guys to measure and stake the area. I am seeing more and more of them, although it is all together too infrequent still, for me. I did another drive-by shooting with my cell phone a week ago of another SRP man. The man is the small speck on the right between the Prop 406 sign and the white truck (hey, its hard to drive and shoot at the same time -- give me a break :-))

I also HEARD -- and this is only hearsay -- that they are reworking the interior design of the temple to make it function and flow to the best of capacity.

Finally, and I mentioned this site in my last post. Seriously, if you don't know the Maricopa County website -- you are missing out. Well, maybe not on that much, but missing out none-the-less. From this website, you can follow a link to PUBLIC county maps. Which means I can find out who owns what parcel of land where...

You can look at my last post to see where the lot of land was at a few months ago... but today, when I checked this is what, among other things,  it said...

Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

Yup -- Now that is cool! Ok -- so it might not be the groundbreaking or anything, but still!! The land is officially owned by the church now.

So we can only move forward.

And I will be right here watching -- preferably with a zoom lens -- when it does.